8 x 8 oil - canvas mounted on masonite
For purchase information click here.
Heres a subject near to my heart. Women on the ranch.
I want to do a series on this subject, to give an honest portrayal of the western cowgirl. As I have said, they are rarely pretty and model thin, like the rodeo queens you see in many calendars and coffee table books. They are tough and stout and work harder than most men. They fix tractors, train horses, build barns, mend fences, plow fields, cook for an army of field hands and doctor anything that moves. All before noon!!! (Just kidding!)
They really ARE amazing!
Update on "Highland Dreams"
Good news!!! I have been accepted into the Oil Painters of America Exhibition at Devin Galleries in Coeur d'Alene. This is my first acceptance into an OPA show since being juried in as a member four years ago. I'm SO excited!!!