I'm back from Idaho and it was a wonderful show! The paintings were amazing and everyone was so nice. Debbie and Skip Peterson of Devin Galleries were the perfect hosts. They even held a "thank you" party for the artists Saturday night, where we all got together after two days of plein air painting to sip wine and display the paintings that were created on Friday and Saturday. This gave us all a chance to say goodbye and was a perfect ending to a great weekend.
"Linkbelt and The George A." 12 x 16" oil/canvas panel
$950 - For purchase information click here.
Here is I think, my best plein air painting of the weekend. Some tugboats that, of course left soon after I started the painting...and with the dock!! Which happened instead to be a barge! I finished it anyway, mostly from memory.
"Woodland Abstract" 12 x 9" oil/canvas panel
For purchase information click here.
I found a shady spot later in the day and did this painting. I like the rendering but think its sort of hard to read, so thats why the "abstract" title.
Some OPA Members plein air painting near the Cataldo Mission just outside of Coeur d'Alene.