Monday, June 11, 2012

Montana Painter's Alliance - 2012 Spring Paint Out

Arrowleaf Balsamroot   16 x 12"   oil/canvas panel

Last weekend I headed out to our bi-annual 2012 MPA Spring Paint-Out. This year it was held at the beautiful & historic Blacktail Ranch near Wolf Creek, Montana.  The location could not have been more inspiring; with scenic views in all directions, old farm machinery from by gone days, plus a unique tour of a prehistoric cave dwelling.

These are two plein-air studies I did on location.

Wet Blankets  12 x 16"  oil/canvas panel

Although, my best work (I think) came from my drawings.  I got really excited about these and could see future paintings materializing out of each of them.  By isolating values this way, it is much easier to see the compositional outcome of a finished painting. personal favorite, this old, battered ponderosa tree.

Heres a photo of the MPA group.  We had such a great time!  Thats me kneeling on the far right.